Installation To Install Project Manager V2, create a new directory on your hard drive, the name is unimportant. Move the following files to this directory: 1./Projmgr2.exe - the executable 2./System.MDA - the SystemDB file 3./Vbprojs.MDB - the database 4./Projmgr2.hlp - the helpfile These files must all be in the same directory for the program to work. The System.MDA file supplied must be used as it contains the information on security required to access the database file. See the helpfile for more information. Move the following file to the Windows\System Directory 1./MBAR.VBX Make sure you have CmDialog.VBX, Grid.VBX, and MSAFINX.DLL, all of which are supplied with both VB Standard and Pro in your Windows\System directory. That's it. Add Project Manager to a program group and run it.